May I thank both my stewards and exhibitors for a very memorable day judging your lovely breed.
VD (2,1) 1 Swanson's Menteith Declan Of Altimarlach. 8 a half year old. A veteran dog with a good outline. Could perhaps be a bit more masculine in head, small ears, good depth of body. Topline could have slightly more curve. Well boned. Good sidegait, a bit unsettled behind.
PD (1) 1 Peach's Kilbourne Tyne. Super 8 months old puppy, excellent outline for his age. Sound and free moving. Long head, flat skull, strong neck of good length, correct amount of body for age, well boned and very good feet. In good coat.
JD (6,2) 1 Hall's Wolfscastle Caradog. Pleasing in size, a young dog who needs time to develop. long head, very good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, topline could be firmer. In good coat. Sound mover. 2 Grimshaw's Greyflax The Jazz Singer To Jamalison. Tall young male, looking quite impressive, lovely head, long neck, good body for age. Could be stronger behind, hind movement let him down today. 3 Bond's Regalflight Rueben. Another masculine young dog, somewhat heavier. Pleasing in head, very good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, good body and firm topline, lovely coat. Could be stronger behind on the move.
YD (5,2) 1 Pink's Greyhawks Romanie Drom. Impressive young dog and very sound on the move. Masculine head with good length, dark eye, good reach of neck, needs to develop in front, very good body for his age, in good coat. 2 Parsons & McKinnon Finlas At Claonaiglen. Workmanlike dog in good coat. Nice head, very good bone and feet. Would like a bit more length of neck, topline could be more arched a bit unsettled coming and going.
PGD (13) 1 Lewis's Luckhurst Nairn. Very pleasing in type and good size. Typical Deerhound movement, Lovely head, very good reach of neck, very good depth of body and curvy topline. Would prefer stronger hindquarters. 2 Finnett & Heathcote Hyndsight Run To You. Different in type. A sound and well built dog with an excellent coat. A young dog who will need plenty of time to develop. Lovely head, small ears, dark eye, long neck and well laid shoulders could have a bit more scope in body, strong quarters, sound mover. 3 Jenkins' Kilbourne Poacher. Masculine young dog with a nice outline. Good head, long neck and deep chest, well boned, not quite as steady on the move. Not in his best coat.
LD (8,2) 1 Taylor's Kilbourne Usher To Ormanstar. Excellent outline, elegant dog with a very pleasing long head, small ears, dark eye. Long neck, very good topline and strong hindquarters, feet could be tighter. In good coat. In excellent condition, sound mover. 2 Macbean's Killoeter Ruaig. Taller impressive masculine dog, somewhat heavier built. Long head, a bit stronger in skull. Long neck, deep body, strong topline, well boned, in good coat and excellent condition. Moved well. 3 Shannon's Erewhon Celestial Fire. Elegant dog, not making the most of himself on the move. Long head, very good reach of neck and well laid shoulders, deep body, loin well arched, well boned.
OD (9,1). A super class. 1 Morton & Morgan Ch Cotherstone Shot and Steel. Impressive high quality masculine workmanlike male of lovely size. Well balanced throughout. Masculine head, dark eye, long strong neck, well laid shoulders, deep chest, loin well arched, strong hindquarters, well boned and tight feet. Well presented coat. Covered the ground effortlessly. 2 Morell's C I B/Nordch Cream Islands Sir Gibson. This is a dog I have judged at the breed club in Sweden some years ago. Excellent type and size. Lovely balanced head, dark eyes, small ears, very good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, deep chest, strong topline, well boned. Not quite as strong behind as the winner. 3 Helps' Beardswood Quinlan. Another lovely dog, excellent breed type and size. Masculine head, good reach of neck, deep chest, strong hindquarters. Very good profile movement.
VB (4,3) 1 Harrington & Finnett's Kilbourne Levanto With Hyndsight. 8 years old, lovely type of Deerhound. Feminine head, neat ears, good reach of neck, well boned and tight feet. Carrying a bit too much weight. Moved soundly. Wonderful temperament.
PB (2) 1 Peach's Kilbourne Morda. Litter sister to winner of puppy dog. Very similar in type and size, Lovely size and pleasing in outline. Sound mover. 2 Taylor & Peach's Kilbourne Tess To Talorpeche. Half sister to the winner and very much the same type. Feminine and well balanced for age. Not quite as steady on the move.
JB (12,2) 1 Helps & Dove's Foxcliffe Classic Liberty Freedom At Beardswood (IMP USA). I was very impressed by this young bitch, tall well balanced with an excellent outline. Long elegant head, small ears, dark eye, long strong neck, well laid shoulders, excellent topline, strong quarters, very good bone and feet. Not yet fully mature and not quite in full coat. Totally sound on the move. Shown in excellent condition. Considered for RCC. 2 Owen & Brodie's Wolfscastle Cracker. Another high class young bitch. Presented in lovely order. Flowing curves from neck to croup. Balanced head, well set ears, well developed body, in good coat. Sound mover. 3 Bailey's Greyflax Teenspirit. Lovely type, still young and has plenty of time to mature. Feminine long head, well carried ears, strong neck of good length, good topline, not quite as strong in hindquarters, very good sidegait.
YB (9) 1 Bailey's Greyflax Summer Breeze. Tall impressive bitch, excellent outline. Well shaped head, dark eyes, long neck and well laid shoulders, deep chest and long ribcage. Well presented coat. Covered the ground with effortless ease. 2 Phillips' Charbonnel Gobi To Ladygrove. Much to like about this lovely young bitch. Long feminine head, pleasing in front and topline, in good coat. Very good side gait. Could be a bit stronger behind. 3 Peach's Ehlaradawn Tilia. Scored in breed type, lovely head and eye, good depth of chest and well ribbed. Today not giving her best on the move.
PGB (16,6) 1 O'Brien & Quinn's Araceta Daydream Believer. Well presented bitch, lovely shape and size. Feminine long balanced head, dark eyes, small ears, long neck and well laid shoulders, very good topline and underline. Strong quarters, well boned. In good coat. Moved very well. 2 Owen, Brodie & Cody's Wolfscastle Greyce. Pleasing in size and outline. Liked her head, small ears, good reach of neck, deep chest and good spring of ribs, harsh coat. Excellent sidegait. 3 Finnett & Heathcote' Hyndsight A Book Of Dreams. Excellent harsh coat, feminine long balanced head, small ears, dark eye. Very good length of neck and deep chest. Would like a bit more bend of stifle. Moved quite well.
LB (12,4) 1 Taylor's Kilbourne Pandora To Talorpeche. Tall impressive bitch, well presented. Very pleasing in head, lovely reach of neck, deep body, correct topline, strong hindquarters. In good coat. Feet could be a bit tighter. Sound mover. 2 Macbean's Killoeter Ralia. Another bitch I liked very much, she has a lovely outline and good size. Lovely head and kind expression, small well carried ears, lovely neck, could have a bit more fill in front. Excellent topline, in good coat. Moved freely. 3 Samways' Cassacre Aelgyth. A bitch who came to her own on the move. Pleasing in size and outline. Liked her head, good ear carriage, good depth of body, excellent harsh coat. Would like a bit more bend of stifle.
OB (8,2) 1 Mooney's Ir Ch/Int Ch Rosslyn Quartet Jun Ch. Loved this bitch for her overall balance, stylish and feminine. Lovely shaped head, dark eye, small ears, long neck into excellent lay of shoulder, deep chest, well ribbed, loin well arched. Well boned and feet well knuckled. Long tail, harsh coat. Moved with excellent drive. Well presented and in super condition. 2 Bailey's Greyflax Just Peachy. Quality bitch with excellent proportions. Super head, dark eye, small ears. Very good reach of neck and well laid shoulders, deep chest, strong hindquarters. Very good bone and feet. Harsh coat. Moved freely. 3 Nilsson's C I B/Nordch/Fi Ch Cream Islands Lady Colina. Lovely type, mature bitch shown in good condition. Most feminine head, nice length of neck, deep chest, very good topline and strong quarters, moved freely.
GCDSB (2) 1 Seymour-Jackson's Cassacre Aelfrida Of Ghiltan. Feminine bitch, good size and pleasing in outline. Could carry a bit more weight. Nice head, good topline, ribcage could be longer. Super temperament. Very good sidegait. 2 Wilbraham's Ardlancien Elona. Most elegant bitch, lovely temperament. Typical outline. Would like a bit more substance all over. A bit unsettled in front movement. Well presented.
Mr P Iversen (Norway)